Trivia Quiz Questions about Railroads, Railroading, and Model Railroading

This depot will be filled with items passing through just like passengers passed through depots across the country. These items will be in the form of questions about various aspects of railroad history, companies, operations, personnel, financials, and scope of governmental regulations. These same facts or similar will also be included about the model railroad industry and the expanse of the hobby.
This website section came about from the railroad trivia nights held on the first Tuesday evening of the month during the Covid-19 Crisis. We all met via Zoom and challenged ourselves to answer the trivia questions posed by our hosts. A wide range of information was covered during these events. Those questions along with many others that we have obtained are included in the categories below. Click on the category of your choice and you will be taken to that webpage. To get back, just use the back button. Enjoy!
Railroad Mileage
Roadway and Structures
Bridges and Tunnels
Signals and Communication
Passenger Train Equipment
Freight Equipment

We are under construction on this section!